Thursday, August 24, 2006

Open House

All right so tonight was Open House at the preschool I work at. It went pretty well if I do say so myself. :-) I got to meet several of the children that I will be working with this year. They are SOOOO cute! I know most of them from last year, so that's good; and I kind of know their parents as well...also good. I guess the only drawback was the fact that I had to work another 12 hour day. Yuck. The good part? I get paid tomorrow!!

Hmm, not much else is going on this week. Oh! I know. My mom thinks that I'm either mad at her and my dad and brother or that I'm depressed. Why you may ask does she think this? Well that's easy. She's paranoid! LOL. So I haven't been in the best of moods this week and haven't told her and my dad every single detail of what is going on in my life. I told her that it's stress and when I get stressed, I tend to get into bad moods. But who doesn't get into a bad mood when stressed? It's mainly over school starting next week and having to have everything in the room ready by Monday.

Oh and I'm supposed to go to the dentist tomorrow, but apparently they called yesterday (the home phone, not my cell) and said that the dental hygentist (I'm sorry if that is spelled wrong) will be on her lunch break during the time that I will have my appointment. My mom didn't bother telling me that they I'm just going to go and hope that they will still be able to see me. *Sighs* Oh well, so goes life, right?

That's about it from me tonight. Oh and I hope you like the pictures of the sunset. I took them from my car this evening while on my way home from work. :-) I'll write again soon!


1 comment:

Cecilia said...

things will get better