Friday, August 18, 2006

24 More Hours!

Ah, only 24 hours until the weekend officially starts. I'm happy. It has been a really long week. First off, I got a lovely sinus infection (I'm feeling better now!) and then my kids (in class that is) decided to use this week as their week of "terrorizing the teachers." Haha, just kidding. They weren't that bad.

But still, I am glad it is finally the weekend and that I will be able to relax for two days...well sort of. On Saturday my family and I are planning on going to a mall near Cincinnati that is supposed to be really, really nice. I'm looking forward to that; plus I could use some new clothes! So we'll see what happens in that department. Get it? Department? *Hears nothing but the sounds of crickets* Okay never mind about that.

I'd also like to add that it is my dad's birthday tomorrow! Well, today really, considering the fact that it is 1:00 AM on Friday, August 18th. Anyway, happy birthday dad!!! I hope you like the card I got you. I also got him a DVD set of an old TV show that he used to watch; he loves it so I am happy about that.

Anyway you may have noticed that I actually put a couple of pictures up! Yep, both are of my cat Figaro. And yes that is me with him in the top picture. Isn't he cute? :-) Hmm, I don't think anything else is going on here in lovely Dayton...except for the fact that we might get some rain tomorrow afternoon or evening. But that's not really news so never mind. Okay my excuse? It's 1:12 AM in Ohio and I'm half asleep. Yeah pitiful excuse I know, but oh well! It is my blog after all. All right now I'm just babbling. Well I had better go to bed before I start to sound like a real idiot...hmm...too late. ;-)

Goodnight and sleep tight!


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