Sunday, August 13, 2006

Hello Again

Well it's Sunday. We (my family and I) are going to a picnic today that is for employees of the DJCC and their families so that should be fun. I'll bet you anything that my brother is planning on taking many photos! If so, I'll have him send me a few and I'll try to post them.

Oh yeah, my brother came home yesterday. He'll be here for a week which is nice, considering the fact that I only see him about 3 times a year now. So we hung out in Columbus yesterday and went to a HUGE mall. It was a lot of fun and we got some exercise doing so much walking around.

Let's see, what else can I write about...well there are two more weeks until preschool starts up again. I am looking forward to that; I will be working with the 2 year olds this year. This past year I was with the 3 1/2 - 4 year olds and I am glad to have a change.

Well that's about it for this entry.

Oh and have I mentioned that I am a fan of Lucas Grabeel from High School Musical? If not, well I'm a fan of Lucas Grabeel, lol. Just thought I'd share that little tidbit with you.

Bye for now!


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