Saturday, August 12, 2006

First Post!

Well this is my first post at I decided that I needed a place to post everything and well, I found one! Anyway, this isn't much I know but it's a start.

So...I guess that's all for now. I'll post more later; perhaps I'll add a picture of myself. Also, make sure to check out my brother's website. He is quite the photographer! I included the link to the right of this where the links section is.

Until then, ttyl!



Nicholas Borelli said...

Okay, new to Ohio, your first blog and . . . your profile says you like the Harry Potter series.

Well I've written a series of novels too! Mine are more earthbound, however, and I commend them to you at

It's an eBook, extremely inexpensive but really a good read! Then, again, I'm biased . . . .


Nuck Borelli

Nicholas Borelli said...

Oh, I ate Mexican food in Dayton once. It seemed inconguous at the time!
