Sunday, September 03, 2006

Flare Ups...Ugh

Well I have had a lovely day...not. I have basically had the same FM (Fibromyalgia) flare up all day today. It is probably due to the sudden change in the weather, but nonetheless it stinks. I'm so tired and yet I slept very well last night and took a rather long nap today (not to mention the fact that I didn't do much today anyway). Oh well, it's just one of the symptoms.

On the upside, I was able to take a few pictures of the sunset. I have posted two of the pictures; the rest are somewhere else in my computer, lol. I just felt like putting the two I liked the best up.

There's no school tomorrow which is also a plus; I'm so used to going to work every day of the week that having one day off will be very welcome.

Not much else is going on dad invited a friend and his family from work over for dinner so I was downstairs 'socializing' for a while with them. I'll admit they are a very nice family and had I been feeling better I would have joined them for dinner. I feel kind of guilty for not joining them, but luckily my mom understands why I didn't. I just hope my dad does too.

I also made a few changes on my MySpace today (the link is on the side). The only thing that is currently irking me is the fact that I have a few videos on there from YouTube and YouTube is currently down...thus making those videos turn up as big white squares. Grrr. Hopefully the site will be back up soon because it is really bothersome to look at a big white thing, lol.

That's about all that is going on with me. Stay well!


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