Thursday, December 07, 2006

Flu Season

I am probably not the only one who hates flu season...heck everyone I know hates it. But when you are the one to actually get the flu, it really stinks.

I was feeling fine at 10:00 PM on Tuesday night. Then at around 10:45, I started to have horrible back pain which was then accompained by general aches and pains. I decided to get off the computer and lay down when my stomach started to hurt...and I don't mean a typical stomach ache, if you know what I mean. To make a long story short, at around 11:15 my stomach turned on me...literally. So every hour that night, for the next 5 hours, I was up running to the bathroom. Ick.

I called work at around 6:15 AM and told my boss that there was no way that I was going to be able to make it. She was not at all sympathetic...instead she sounded like she didn't believe me. Ugh. She makes me really angry sometimes. My mom said she would come over and 'nurse' me back to health (she is after all, a nurse). Well before she came I decided that since I was feeling a little better that I could at least get out of bed and get dressed...bad idea. Let's just say that right when I did, I was in the bathroom again.

So I called work again and told them that I would not be in today (Thursday) either. Well Audrey (my boss) did not sound too pleased with this. I think that if she could, she'd fire me. But she'd be short on teachers if she did that. One of my co-teachers had gone home after only an hour yestderay with the same bug!

I found out that about 4 kids in my class were out with some version of the flu.

Okay I'm done grossing you out now. ;-)

Stay warm and stay healthy!


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