Sunday, November 19, 2006


Well I have finally moved into my new apartment. Most of it took place yesterday and let me tell you...I hate moving! Not because of the emotional stress, it's because of the whole "what do I take with me, what stays here" and of course...carrying those heavy boxes of extra clothes that were forgotten. Not to mention extra items that I needed.

Thankfully my mom and I went to the store yesterday so I now have a start to what I'll need in terms of breakfast, lunch, and dinner items. I also got the essential things that I'll need so that's good.

I was surprised at how smoothly last night went. I thought I was going to be a nervous wreck but thankfully I wasn't. It was as if I am completely ready for this (which I now know I am). Now all I have to do is finish unpacking.

One thing I'm rather thankful for is the fact that my parents have told me that I'm more than welcome to do my laundry at home instead of having to spend $1.50 washing and then another $1.50 drying my clothes. This is something that I'll definitely be taking advantage of. :-)

Oh and then there's the football game that I watched yesterday. Now this wasn't just any old football game. It was the FINAL game (of the year anyway) between Ohio State and Michigan. For those who may not know, these two teams are rivals...I mean big time rivals. They have been for a rather long time. Anyway, it was probably the closest game I have ever seen...not to mention one of the best! In the end, Ohio State won 42-39. YAY!

That's about all for now. Have a great rest of the weekend.


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