Sunday, February 11, 2007

I'm Giving In

Okay so I have been kind of sick this past week. It started out as your typical cold/allergy type thing, but by Friday I knew something wasn't right. I pretty much figured out (without going to the doctor) that I had a sinus infection. I wanted to go home early from work, but one of my co-workers was rather sick and had to leave early so considering the fact that I was not nearly as sick as she was (she has a staph infection which may require more than antibiotics to cure), I volunteered to stay. Since Audrey was sick, Pat (one of the on-site supervisors) thanked me and gave me a hug since she knew I wasn't feeling well. In other words, she appreciated the fact that I stayed.

I had been taking Tylenol Sinus and cough medicine throughout the day and night. Yet by Saturday morning, I was feeling even worse. My mom suggested I change a few things in what medicines to take. Now normally I don't really listen to her about that stuff but I was feeling so "blah" that I listened and did as she said.

If only that worked. Today (Sunday) I felt the same so my parents, being the generous people that they are, brought over a few things and...get this: they're doing my laundry for me. I am quite thankful for that.

In exchange, however, they said that I have to call the doctor tomorrow morning and make an appointment since I have been getting way too many sinus infections. My dad said I may have to go to an ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat doctor) to see if I need further care. Hopefully that won't happen. In all likelyhood my doctor will prescribe an antibiotic and tell me to come back in two weeks. That's fine, I can do that.

And get this--I actually called in sick for tomorrow. That is something I rarely do. So now I know I'm sick. ;-)

That's about all I guess. I'm going to lay down and watch more of season 2 of "Degrassi: TNG" which I now really love (it's Kayla1 and Kayla2's fault... ;).

Stay safe and stay warm!


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